Whether it be at GATS or driver hiring events in general, here are some tips to help you make the most of your time.
Research the event
“View the website to see which fleets are going to be there that have the qualifications you’re looking for,” says Betsy Morrison, client success manager with Randall Reilly.
While these events can be very large and overwhelming, conducting some research beforehand will help you focus on the companies that are your best fit.
Get to know the companies
After you’ve decided which companies you’d like to spend time with, focus on their requirements. Get to know their culture and talk to those with a connection to the company in order to learn as much as you can about them before the event.
Plus, it doesn’t hurt to go ahead and apply. It’s easier for both you and them if you’re already in the system.
Take the time to run through interview questions while you’re on the road. You can’t over-prepare! Practice your answers with family and friends, or even take a video of yourself and watch it back.
Come prepared
As you head to The Great American Trucking Show or similar events, be sure to bring along a list of questions and extra copies of your resume or work history and certifications.
This is a great way to set yourself apart from the crowd and show employers that you’re professional and committed to your driving career.
Take notes
Carry along a notepad or use the notes app in your phone to write down key points that you pick up from potential employers. You’ll likely be visiting with lots of companies and it’s important to keep all of the information straight.
Follow up
It has become less common, but take the time to send a thank you note to the companies that you visited with. This small task is a great way to show your appreciation as well as reminding them of your interest. Plus, you’ll stand out from the crowd!
Best of luck with your job search!
If you’re in attendance at GATS, check out Dot Transportation, Inc. at Booth #2938 to learn more about what we have to offer. And if you’re ready to apply and move up in your driving career, take a look at our competitive truck driving jobs today.